Prayer Request -  Memphis Glad Helpers
Prayer Request for the Local Greater Memphis Area's A.R.E. Glad Helpers Prayer Group

*Please scroll down to the registration form at the bottom of this page

to make a prayer request. Thank you. 


Memphis Glad Helpers

 Healing Prayer Group  


 This Week's Glad Helpers' Affirmation

Lord, keep Thou my ways. Let me find joy and pleasure in manifesting such a life that it may give hope and help and cheer to others. 281-25a3
Glad Helper Information

What are the Glad Helpers?

We are a prayer-healing group. We pray for our prayer-list daily. We meet twice a month to pray for the people on the list and to perform laying-on-of-hands healing. When we meet, we also read and discuss Cayce's readings to the original Glad Helper group from the 1930's

How are the Glad Helpers different from other prayer groups?

We are based on healing information from the Cayce readings. As a result, our focus is Spiritual Healing. In the readings, there are many references to "spirit is the life, mind is the builder, physical is the result." If we only focus on physical healing, we will miss healing the mind and the spirit - which is two-thirds of our being. Spiritual Healing begins with the mind and spirit, and then heals the whole person (mind, body, and spirit).

If you want healing prayer, it works best if you help a little. Our purpose is to pray for people who desire prayer for themselves and who are willing to attune themselves daily through prayer and/or meditation. People also agree to pray daily for themselves, the Glad Helpers and others.

When you pray for another you open yourself to God's love and light. You are filled with this love and light. Then, you send that energy to others in prayer. This serves two purposes. You are healed and others are healed. In serving another selflessly, God blesses you and the people for whom you pray.

Why does the affirmation on this web page change each week and why do we need an affirmation? Cayce recommended saying an affirmation immediately before prayer/meditation in order to get the mind in the highest frame possible to make prayer most effective. In our group, we repeat the affirmation three times before meditating and then hold the feeling of the affirmation during our meditation. After attuning ourselves in meditation, we pray for others. We change the affirmation each week, as Cayce recommended, to help keep the mind engaged. Anyone who elects to pray with us can consult this web page each week to get the new affirmation. We generally post the affirmation in the beginning of the week.

Why is group prayer needed?

Working together in a group magnifies the effect of the healing. "Where two or more or gathered, there I am in their midst." All healing comes from God; the Glad Helpers are merely channels to send His healing energy. We each pray for the people on the list daily at home, but as a group. We pray the list and perform laying-on-of-hands healing together in twice monthly Glad Helper meetings in Memphis.

What is Direct, Surround and Passed On prayer?

Direct prayer is for those who are willing to attune themselves daily through meditation and/or prayer. They also agree to pray daily for themselves, the Glad Helpers and others.

According to the Cayce teachings, what you give out is what you get back. You attune yourself, then pray for yourself the Glad Helpers and others. The Glad Helpers attune through meditation and then pray for you, themselves and others. Everyone praying gives and receives healing. A typical visualization of this prayer is to picture God's light and love entering and filling the body of the person you are praying for.

The Glad Helpers feel it is important to honor a person's free will by not praying for what you think they need but for what is best for them: i.e. their highest good. We similarly feel we should honor God's will by not praying for a particular result. We pray that God will give the person whatever is most needed. A typical visualization of these prayers is using God's light.

Through years of experience, the Virginia Beach Glad Helpers have made the observation that direct prayer is not best for addicts and Alzheimer patients. For these two groups, we recommend surround prayer.

Surround prayer for is for people placed on the list by another or for people who are unable to attune and pray daily. A typical visualization is picturing the person for whom you are praying being surrounded by God's love and light. It is like praying a bubble of golden light around your loved one to be used as needed.

Passed-on prayer is for those who have died. It helps the deceased in the afterworld. According to the Cayce teachings, we are uniquely able to help those who have passed-on by praying for them here on earth.

What is the history of the group?

The original Glad Helpers started in 1931 as a non-denominational Cayce inspired prayer-healing group.  The original group has been meeting continuously since 1931. This group is based in Virginia Beach and meets at Edgar Cayce's Association for Research & Enlightenment (A.R.E.)

The Memphis Glad Helpers were started in February 2011 by Memphis Search-For-God members in order to supplement Search-for-God work. (Search-For-God study groups meet weekly all over the world for personal and spiritual development.) The Memphis Glad Helpers are modeled after the Virginia Beach Glad Helpers.

How long will I receive daily prayer? People on the list receive prayer for a month. After a month, you must re-request prayer.


You can e-mail at if you have any questions.



Memphis Glad Helpers

 Healing Prayer Group  

* Required fields
Name *
E-mail Address *
Are you requesting prayer for yourself or someone else? *
Prayer Recipient's First & Last Name *
Is this prayer request for direct prayer or surround prayer? *


Memphis Glad Helpers

 Healing Prayer Group 



Association for Research & Enlightenment

Memphis Metro & Mid-South Area

of the Southeast US Region